Save Japan Dolphins

August 30, 2011 at 1:36 pm (Causes) (, , )

Just read an inspiring interview with Ric O’Barry, dolphin protector and peaceful protester, and one of my heroes. The Taiji dolphin hunt is about to begin again, and he will be there to bear witness… He also praises the Japanese island that is encouraging dolphin watching and snorkelling with them – which is creating a long-term tourism industry with economic benefits, rather than killing them for short-term financial gain… And he reiterates – again – that eating dolphin is not a Japanese cultural tradition. Few Japanese people actually eat dolphin (at least not knowingly), and their meat is so full of mercury that it’s a health hazard to consume it. With Ric’s encouragement, a few very brave locals from Taiji got contaminated dolphin meat off the school lunch menu. There were repercussions, as any challenge to a million-dollar-industry feeling threatened will find, but they put the health of their children, and the freedom of dolphins, above their fear…

Read the interview here, check out Ric’s regular blog, and consider donating to his group Save Japan Dolphins.

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New moon blessings

August 29, 2011 at 1:44 pm (Magic) (, , , , )

Wishing everyone all the love, energy and inspiration of the new moon… May your month unfold with all the promise, passion and potential you seek… xx

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Dark moon blessings

August 28, 2011 at 1:37 pm (Magic) (, , , , )

Sending dark moon blessings and love to all. At this introspective and magical time, look within and get in touch with your inner wisdom and hidden truths, release anything you want to let go of, and harness the passion that will fuel tomorrow’s new moon wishes xxx


The dark moon rises at dawn, with the sun, and sets at sunset. It is between the earth and the sun the whole time, making it invisible to us. While some people take the dark moon as a day off from magic, others use it to go within, using the introspective energies to examine their feelings and thoughts and delve deep within their psyche.

While the moon is hidden it’s also a powerful time to scry and perform any kind of divination that will uncover your hidden truths, and for getting in touch with your inner wisdom and approaching the Mysteries. This energy helps you explore the darkest recesses of your mind and your heart, and acknowledge your passions, your fears and your anger so you can release them to the approaching light.

This is a time to rest and renew your strength, and also to evaluate your life and your progress. The powerful, deep and transforming energy of the dark moon is an internalised vibration, so be aware of your thoughts, avoiding focusing on negativity or self-loathing in case you manifest the fears you’re supposed to banish.

The dark moon celebrates the crone, so invoke the energies of Ceridwen, Kali, the Cailleach, Hecate, Baba Yaga or Nephthys to help you descend to your metaphorical underworld and examine the layers of your subconscious.

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Wonderful books: The Janna Mysteries

August 23, 2011 at 8:13 pm (Favourite books) (, , , , )

Felicity Pulman is an Australian author who’s written many beautiful books, including the Shalott Trilogy and the amazing Janna Mysteries. They’re full of beauty and wonder and magic and history, and while they’re considered young adult books, they enchant people of all ages…

Rosemary for Remembrance

The beautiful first book in a wonderful series.

Young Janna lives in a tiny cottage on the edge of the forest with her mother Eadgyth, the village herbwife. But twelfth century England is a dangerous time to be a woman and a healer, and the oppressive influence of the new priest and the jealous male apothecary can be felt throughout. When Eadgyth dies suddenly, Janna suspects her mother has been poisoned, and vows to find the killer and avenge her death. But the villagers and the Church are set against her, superstition and fear has warped the small community, and several people have explosive secrets they’ll kill to protect. As Janna tries to unravel the mystery of her mother’s death and the identity of her mysterious father, she realises that her own life is in danger, and her quest becomes more desperate.

Although I had never considered these to be crime novels, Janna does have to solve a murder and several other mysteries, and reveals great detective skills. The writing is suspenseful and the plot twists intriguing, yet it is not limited the crime genre – it is also a beautifully written story of Janna’s coming of age, there are elements of romance, action and medieval English history woven in (some teachers even use it as part of the curriculum), and fascinating characters that are archetypally powerful – the healer, the maiden, the crone, the protector, the innocent, the villain – as well as totally engaging and true to life. I especially love the descriptions of English life in this period, the clash between the Old Ways and the Church, and the magical properties of the herbs that the wise woman and her daughter work with to heal people and protect their community. (Anyone who loves Juliet Marillier’s beautiful books will love the enchantment of these.)

And Janna is a wonderful heroine. Not perfect by any means – she’s hot headed and hot tempered, speaks before she thinks and is so stubbornly independent that it’s often to her detriment. But she is kind too, and fiercely intelligent, with a thirst for knowledge and justice that compels her to leave all that she’s ever known to set off on the quest that will unfold over the next five books – to avenge her mother’s death, find her father, and discover her own heart… Each of the Janna Mysteries ends with the solving of an epic mystery – along with more questions, so you are left desperate to start reading the next one (even now, as I re-read them all)…

Although it’s many years since I was a “young adult”, this series will appeal to anyone who loves adventure stories with mystery, historical weight and a magical twist.

Rue for Repentance

The second book in a wonderful, mysterious series.

Felicity Pulman’s storytelling prowess continues in this epic story of love, revenge, mystery and adventure. Young Janna, who had to flee her home after her mother was poisoned, her cottage was burned down around her and the whole village turned against her, starts this book running for her life through the ominous forest. Disguised as a boy to protect her on many different levels, she finds herself teamed up with a fellow fugitive and taken on as a worker in the fields of a manor. But there is mystery afoot, and she finds herself playing detective again as the scenes of several supposed accidents are each marked with a posy of rue. Can she find the culprit, and the motive, before the crimes escalate any further? What will she do when she discovers who owns the manor, and their relationship to her enemy? Can she make peace with the two men she cares about? And will she be able to save the life of an innocent child, or be blamed for the ultimate crime?

I first read this, and the others in the series, a few years ago, but on discovering that the final two books of the Janna Mysteries have now been published, I’ve re-read the first four in preparation. And they’re as involving, intriguing and suspenseful on a second read as a first. The author creates such a realistic world, filled with characters you care about, mysteries with many suspects, and a twist of enchantment that will draw you in to the lives and loves of these medieval country folk. Each of these books is unique, set in a totally different location and with many new (as well as old favourite) characters, and can be read on its own, as a self-contained mystery. But as part of the series it has even more weight, and seeing Janna learn and grow through each adventure is a lot of fun.

Lilies for Love

The third book in the wonderful Janna Mysteries.

In this instalment young Janna, on the run from the ruthless man who plots to kill her to protect his secret, seeks sanctuary in the abbey. Despite her distrust of the Church and her dislike of the Abbess, she comes to like life amongst the nuns, and is surprised when she makes a friend and finds a kindly old infirmarian who continues her education as a healer. While her main goal in being there – to learn to read so she can unravel the secrets of the letter her father sent her mother before she was born – seems thwarted, she finds a new sense of confidence and purpose in healing the sick and advising those around her, and she continues to learn much about herself and the world.

Janna is again faced with a murder and several other crimes to solve, and the pace is brisk and never dull, with much intrigue and mystery, and the introduction of a few shadowy, dangerous characters. Life behind the abbey walls is not quite as peaceful as you’d imagine, and there are a few sinister plots to unravel. The various nuns Janna comes to know are fleshed out with great depth – and the kindness, serenity and faith of some of them is well balanced with the petty jealousies and spiritual searchings of others in this group of women cut off from the world and dedicated, some more willingly than others, to God’s work. It’s a testament to the skill of the author that there are no caricatures amongst the characters, and that it never seems strange that a teenager is the one to seek justice, solve crimes and see to the truth of a situation.

Janna is also growing up, and in this adventure she comes to question her own religious beliefs, and those of her mother, and is shocked as she learns more about parent’s past. She also comes into contact with the two men she cares most about, who she thought she’s never see again, and she is torn between the longing in her heart for love and protection and her determination to continue her quest to prosecute her mother’s killer and discover the identity of her father.

This is another beautifully written book, with so much research put into the historical narrative – as the Empress Matilda defends her claim to the English throne from her cousin Stephen of Blois – as well as the herbal medicaments and potions that Janna dispenses to the sick, and the flowers which are used to symbolise so much in convent life. Suspenseful and intriguing, it’s hard to put it down, and the resolution at the end, while wonderfully played out, only brings more questions, and an eagerness to quickly begin book four…



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A Magical Journey review

August 21, 2011 at 8:09 pm (Book reviews) (, , , , , , )

A wonderful blog/review about A Magical Journey: Your Diary Of Inspiration, Adventure and Transformation, on the Creative Therapy site by Suzana Djilas-Gaal…

Journalling (filed under Affirmations, Creative Therapy Resources, Journalling, Expressive Therapy, Art Therapy…

“Keeping a journal is a powerful way to make sense of the world, and of your own inner universe… It allows you to explore your psyche, and is a valuable tool of self-expression, self-discovery and self-knowledge.” Serene Conneeley

In a number of my previous posts, I’ve written about and shared samples of various types of Journals, and think it may be time for a ‘proper’ – if somewhat belated – introduction?
Journalling is a very powerful therapeutic process which has benefits for physical, emotional, psychological, creative and spiritual wellbeing.  Medical research has shown that Journalling has  numerous health benefits for patients experiencing chronic pain or serious illnesses.  Major psychological studies have revealed that “pouring your heart out” onto the page can aid in exploring, clarifying and expressing your thoughts and feelings about life experiences and issues.  Creative Journals provide a tool for working through creative processes, setting goals and recording life’s adventures.  Recording inspirational quotes, poems, spiritual teachings, or just the things you are grateful for, in a Journal is another way to discover and connect with your own spiritual path and life meaning.

“Your journal is a mirror that reveals your shadows and light, showing you who you truly are and how to work towards becoming what you want to be.” Serene Conneeley

Are you looking for a gentle, guiding hand to lead you into the world of Journalling possibilities? Serene Conneeley offers forth just such a hand through her book A Magical Journey: Your Diary of Inspiration, Adventure and Transformation.
A Magical Journey provides an excellent introduction into The Power of Journalling; many useful and creative ideas on how to get started; tips on how to keep going through any challenges; wonderful inspirations for various types of Journals; and notes on a number of well-known Journal-Keepers.  Serene also leads us on a deeper Journey Within through natural connections to the cycles of the seasons, the moon and sacred celebrations.
However, A Magical Journey is also a Journal in itself.  Much of the book is comprised of thought-provoking quotes to prompt reflections and blank pages upon which to scribe your own musings.  Remember, even though the pages are lined, it’s ok to draw or collage in your Journal too!

For more information about A Magical Journey or Serene’s other work, please visit

Happy Creative Journalling Adventures!

 A Magical Journey is available from Amazon US, Amazon UK and Blessed Bee Australia

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Kindle convert?

August 20, 2011 at 8:29 pm (News and updates, Publishing) (, , , )

I did a mini eBook course the other night, presented by writer, publisher and eBook expert Steven Lewis, and he was very persuasive on the subject of the Kindle… So much so that I bought one as soon as I got home – hooray for midnight online shopping 🙂 I was very impressed by the service – I ordered it on Tuesday night from Amazon, and it was delivered to me in Sydney on Friday morning. And the impulse buying will no doubt continue now I have it up and running 🙂


Steven’s blog is a wealth of information on writing, publishing, blogging and the new world of eBooks, with heaps of informative articles, resources and links to further information. He’s also written some very informative eBooks, including self-publishing guides, Sydney walking tours and more… Have already bought one from my Kindle, so will keep you posted 🙂

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Harry Potter’s London

August 14, 2011 at 9:42 pm (Magic, Magical Places, Sacred Sites) (, , , )

Harry Potter’s London

Written for Spheres magazine

London Calling – by Owl! Serene Conneeley takes a tour with JK Rowling and Harry Potter.

They say that to make money you should follow your heart and your passion, and writer Joanne “JK” Rowling is the perfect example of this wisdom. In crafting her magical series of books about the boy wizard Harry Potter and his friends, she inspired a generation of children to start reading, captured the imagination of real-life witches of all ages, and became the most successful author of all time.
But it didn’t come easily. While writing the first book she was a young single mum struggling to survive on welfare, and battled crippling doubt over whether she should give up and get a “real job” for her daughter’s sake or continue with the inspiration that had gripped her in 1990, when her train to London was delayed and the idea for Harry Potter came to her fully formed.
“I can’t describe the excitement to someone who doesn’t write books, except to say it was that incredibly elated feeling you get when you’ve just met someone with whom you might eventually fall in love,” Joanne says. “That kind of elation, that light headedness and excitement. So I got back to my flat in London and started writing, and kept writing for 15 years.”
When, after several years, she finished the first book, she faced an avalanche of rejections that would make most people give up, but Joanne stuck to her guns, determined to see her dream realised. Finally a publisher gave her a chance, but she was paid a measly advance of 2500 pounds and told to get a day job, because no one believed she would ever make a living as a writer or her story would be a success.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, the first book, was published in July 1997, and they printed just a thousand copies. A decade later, in July 2007, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the seventh and final adventure, became the fastest-selling book of all time, with more than 11 million copies sold in the first 24 hours.
Today Joanne has sold more than 400 million books, launched one of the most successful film franchises of all time – with the new one, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, just released – been awarded an OBE, and become one of the few billionaire authors in the world. Some reports claim her fortune increases by $200 a minute, but whatever the figures, her hard-earned wealth has allowed her to contribute substantially to the charities closest to her heart, and proves that sticking to your guns and following your dreams can definitely pay off.
While Joanne created an enchanted world inhabited by moving staircases, goblin banks and flying cars, she followed the most common piece of advice for authors – she wrote about what she knew. The world Harry Potter inhabits may be magical, but it’s based on real places that are dear to her heart, from the villages of her childhood to the city haunts she loved when she lived in London and the wild Scottish castles and highlands she fell in love with when she moved to Edinburgh in the mid-90s.
Joanne was born in the Cotswolds village of Yate near Bristol, England – not far from Glastonbury – and spent her early childhood in the nearby village of Winterbourne. At the age of nine she and her family moved the short distance to Tutshill, a village in the Forest of Dean near Wales, which is where Harry, Ron and Hermione camp in the final book while searching for the sword of Gryffindor that Snape has hidden. She also used the names of villages in her area, such as Weasley and Dursley, for people in her books, and the descriptions of the places her magical families live in reflect the tiny towns where she grew up.
After university Joanne moved to London, where she lived in a flat in Clapham Junction – in the Borough of Wandsworth, cutely enough! – and worked for Amnesty International. Many of the streets, landmarks and buildings of this historic city ended up as locations in her books, and they’re easy, and fun, to visit. I did a Harry Potter walking tour to learn about some of them, and visited others on my own.
The River Thames snakes through London and is one of the most obvious locations – it’s the glittering body of water the Order of the Phoenix soar along on their broomsticks as they accompany Harry to 12 Grimmauld Place early in the fifth book. They fly past incredible landmarks like Tower Bridge, which was considered one of the engineering marvels of its time when it was constructed in 1894, and swoop under London, Southwark and Blackfriars Bridges, almost crashing into the Golden Salamander, a pleasure boat that’s still there, offering cruises up the Thames, which has also been used in the odd James Bond flick.
They also pass the stunning Houses of Parliament, situated on the north bank of the river. This iconic part of the city skyline is truly magical, especially as the sun sets and the street lights flicker on. The Houses of Parliament are also known as the Palace of Westminster, because a thousand years ago the compound was a royal residence. Today it’s made up of the House of Lords and the House of Commons, as well as several ornate towers.
The most famous of these is the 96 metre-high Clock Tower and its Great Clock of Westminster, better known as Big Ben, although this is actually the name of its main bell, not the tower. The most striking view of the Parliament buildings is from across the river as twilight descends. Walk across Westminster Bridge, which Harry and the gang flew under, and down the stairs opposite for the perfect photo opportunity, and be sure to check out the next bridge along, Lambeth, which is where the Knight Bus squeezed between the two muggle buses in Prisoner of Azkaban.
Across the road from the Houses of Parliament is Westminster Station, part of the underground train network known as the Tube. This is the stop Harry travels to with Mr Weasley on their way to the Ministry of Magic. To continue your tour you can catch the Tube from here to Temple Station – although if you go in, try not to get confused at the ticket barrier like Ron’s dad did! – or walk there along the river’s embankment, past the statue of Boadicca and Cleopatra’s Needle towards Blackfriars Bridge.
From Temple it’s just a short walk to Australia House, on the corner of Aldwych and The Strand. This is the location of the Australian High Commission in London, where the interior scenes in the wizard bank Gringotts were filmed. This was the first Harry Potter location I visited, and it was exciting to realise there’s an Aussie connection to the canon! Sadly Australia House isn’t open to the public – although if any of lose our passport we have to go there! – but you can peek inside to the amazingly sumptuous marble interior and chandeliers you’ll recognise from the movies. The vaults beneath the floor, where Harry’s money, the philosopher’s stone and all the wizarding world’s precious belongings are kept, were once used by the Commonwealth Bank to store money interchanged between the British and Australian governments. Construction on this gorgeous old building, set on a strange triangular piece of land, began a century ago, although it looks much older and more historic.
A little further down the road is the Lyceum Theatre, just off The Strand on Wellington Street It’s in the heart of the West End theatre district, right by Covent Garden, Drury Lane and other famous names. This also has links to Harry Potter, as it was the place where the legend of the vampire – which appears in the books – was truly born. For 20 years in the late 19th century, Bram Stoker worked there as the business manager and personal assistant of London’s most famous actor, Henry Irving, who was the inspiration for the vampiric count in his classic novel Dracula. Bram wrote the book while he was at the Lyceum, and a memorial on the back wall of the theatre commemorates his influence.
Continuing along The Strand you come to Charing Cross police station, on the corner of Agar Street opposite Zimbabwe House, which was Joanne’s inspiration for the Ministry of Magic. There’s even the red phone box on the corner – the visitors entrance – which is a popular place for photos and, on the walking tour, magic tricks. In the movie however they used the nearby junction of Scotland Place and Great Scotland Yard to shoot the scene where Harry and Mr Weasley enter the Ministry, some of the real places not being particularly conducive to filming (such as a real-life police station!).
On the other side of The Strand is the famous, and luxuriously fancy, Savoy Hotel, where the story of the Invisibility Cloak was sown in the 1930s. Writer Dylan Thomas used to drink in the bar downstairs, and told friends about a strange encounter he had there with magician Aleister Crowley. The influential occultist was shocked when Dylan addressed him one night, as he claimed to be wearing his invisibility cloak, and decided that the poet must also have magical powers. When Dylan asked him what he meant, Aleister said no one ever addressed him when he was wearing the cloak because it made him invisible. According to Dylan however, it wasn’t a cloak of any kind that made this happen – people avoided making eye contact with Aleister because he was so scary!
From The Strand it’s just a short walk through a maze of tiny alleyways to one of the most magical parts of London. Cecil Court, just off Charing Cross Road, was the inspiration for Diagon Alley, “London’s finest source for a wizard’s every need.” Entering this narrow laneway is like being transported back to the 18th century, with gas-style lamps providing the lighting, mystical carved figures peering down at passersby, and old-fashioned hand-painted signs creaking eerily above the shops. The wares on offer are also straight from Harry Potter’s world, with stores like The Witch Ball, Unsworth’s and Tindley & Chapman stocking old and rare books, esoteric tomes and antiquarian maps, as well as stamps, theatre memorabilia and special magic money emblazoned with Harry and Co’s faces. Watkins Books, at number 19, claims to be the oldest occult and mystical bookshop in the world.
There are even stories of a ghost, harking back to a murder in the antique shop at number 23 half a century ago, when sales assistant Elsie May Batten was murdered with a dagger (or an athame?). Cecil Court, a picturesque pedestrianised thoroughfare, runs between Charing Cross Road and St Martin’s Lane, and is located close to both Leicester Square and Charing Cross Tube stations, so it’s easy to get to from anywhere in London.
Keeping to the magical theme, just across from Charing Cross Station is Davenports Magic Shop, acclaimed as the oldest family-run magic business in the world, and today one of London’s finest sources for a wizard’s every need. While they stock lots of sleight of hand trickery, there are also old books, tarot cards and real magical supplies, so it’s a Diagon Alley for the modern witch. This whole area is magical, with crooked alleys, antique shops, dusty parchments in storefronts, gargoyles as doorknockers, strange stone beasts glaring down from roofs, as well as plenty of old pubs and inns to have inspired the Leaky Cauldron.
Another dimension to Diagon Alley is further east along the Thames, towards the spooky Tower of London. In the first movie, they used Leadenhall Market, a beautiful covered marketplace with cobbled floors that dates back to the fourteenth century, as the area around the wizarding centre. This ornate Victorian-style market is full of vendors selling flowers and various fresh foods, and has been a centre of commerce since Roman times.
Walking around London is like walking across a Monopoly board, and Kings Cross Station is another place that’s worth a visit. In Harry’s world, it’s the location of Platform 9 3/4, the secret platform the Hogwarts Express departs from. “For me, Kings Cross is a very, very romantic place, purely because my parents met there,” Joanne reveals. “They met on the train pulling out of Kings Cross, so I wanted Harry to go to Hogwarts by train, and obviously therefore it had to be Kings Cross.” She has since admitted that when she was writing the description of the station in the book, she was picturing the layout of nearby Euston Station, so the platform directions don’t match Kings Cross exactly.
But rail workers have created the cutest thing ever for the hundreds of fans who traipse there every day in search of the place the young wizards set off from. Between Platforms 9 and 10, and freely accessible without having to buy a ticket, is a cast-iron sign saying Platform 9 3/4, with a luggage trolley protruding from the brick wall, as though it was caught while a Hogwarts student was halfway through. It’s the perfect place for a Harry Potter photo, and the staff are very friendly too. I felt a little silly as I wandered around trying to find it, but when I finally asked someone, he just smiled and pointed me in the right direction, used to fans trying to recapture the magic of the books.
In the movies they shot the Hogwarts Express scenes inside Kings Cross Station, but they used Platforms 4 and 5, renumbered to match the book, as they fit the description better. And for the exterior scenes, like the one in The Chamber of Secrets where Harry and Ron can’t get through to the platform and end up flying the Weasleys’s Ford Anglia car to school, they used the station across the road, St Pancras, as its grand old Gothic style is so much more impressive than the real thing. At the moment though this station is undergoing major refurbishment, so you can’t see much of the old building’s beautiful façade under the scaffolding.
Not far from Euston Station and Kings Cross is London Zoo, the world’s oldest scientific zoo, where Harry accidentally sets the Burmese Python free from the Reptile House in the first book, trapping Dudley behind the glass. There’s a plaque next to the snake’s enclosure that commemorates the filming. London Zoo is located in beautiful Regent’s Park, one of the many expanses of grassland in the city, complete with large lake, playing fields and canal.
With or without the magic of Harry Potter, London is a beautiful city, full of history and charm, and names that are so much a part of our consciousness through books, movies, nursery rhymes and real-life events. And with Harry Potter and his world added, it becomes one of the most enchanting cities ever.

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Seven Sacred Sites review

August 14, 2011 at 4:00 am (Book reviews) (, , , , )

Just came across this review of Seven Sacred Sites: Magical Journeys That Will Change Your Life on Amazon UK…

The encouragement I needed… June 15, 2011
I first picked up my copy of Seven Sacred Sites at a Mind Body Spirit festival a couple of years ago, and to say that it was one of the best purchases I’ve made at a festival is an understatement.The book is chock full of anecdotes, tips and interviews with others who have journeyed to the sites Serene writes about, including spiritual authors Cassandra Eason, Doreen Virtue and Paolo Coehlo. There are beautiful…Read More

I first picked up my copy of Seven Sacred Sites at a Mind Body Spirit festival a couple of years ago, and to say that it was one of the best purchases I’ve made at a festival is an understatement.

The book is chock full of anecdotes, tips and interviews with others who have journeyed to the sites Serene writes about, including spiritual authors Cassandra Eason, Doreen Virtue and Paolo Coehlo. There are beautiful photos to dream away with and at the end of each chapter there is a short piece on how to experience the energies of these areas as an “armchair traveller”.

It is quite a volume at 400 pages, but I found that every time I began to read a chapter, something was going on in my life that related to the energy in it. There aren’t many books that speak on such a subconscious level.

Reading Seven Sacred Sites encouraged me to drop everything and venture out into my own personal sacred journey to the UK to find myself and feel alive again. Her words inspire and are so beautifully crafted that when I finally reached Glastonbury and Stonehenge for the first time ever, I felt I had already been there. She captured the essence of each place, and while they are not the definitive set list of sacred sites, they are those that she has experienced as sacred and the passion translates to the reader effortlessly.

I’d recommend it to anyone thinking of traveling to rediscover their spirit, and to those who want to experience the energies of each site while sitting comfortably at home 🙂


Seven Sacred Sites is available from Amazon US, Amazon UK and Blessed Bee Australia.

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With thanks… Thursday August 11…

August 12, 2011 at 4:24 am (With thanks) (, )

Hmm, am having Facebook issues and can’t post my daily gratitude note, so I shall add it here for now…

With thanks… Thursday August 11…

Today I am grateful for a catch up with a sweet faery friend, for coffee, laughter and bemusing waiter assumptions…

I am grateful that I worked very productively – I set up a FB page with a store, and had some likes before I’d even announced it exists 🙂 And I continued my eBook/marketing adventure, researching, learning, planning…

I’m grateful for a lovely night-time walk with Cutes, up to Newtown for a friend’s birthday dinner, then home through the park, holding hands and inhaling the sweetly scented night air, all washed clean by a sprinkling of rain… (And I’m grateful that my sore leg survived it, and that painkillers dulled my bad head…)

And now I am grateful for bed. This getting up early thing is quite a challenge! Too much to do to get to bed before midnight, but my eyes are getting heav and my brain is a little… slower than usual 🙂 xx

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Interesting story: Scientific Process Rage « Electron Café

August 11, 2011 at 3:20 pm (Interesting stories) ()

A fun story about science and research 🙂

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